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Pro-Palestine protesters block entrance to Amsterdam University College

Dirk Wolthekker,
5 februari 2024 - 13:05

The pro-Palestine demonstration that has regularly taken place on the Roeterseiland campus in recent months had moved to Science Park this morning. The access bridge to the AUC grounds was blocked for some time.

The Amsterdam University College (AUC) grounds at Science Park were difficult to access for some hours this morning due to a pro-Palestine demonstration. A small group of about 20 protesters had gathered on and around the access bridge to the grounds and hung a banner there reading 'Stop the genocide. Free Palestine'.


Colleges cancelled
AUC-student Koen Blaauw was on site and reports that lectures were cancelled for a short time . 'The lectures that were scheduled from eleven to half past one had been cancelled. In the meantime, police and UvA security quickly arrived and the protesters were ordered to leave.' Meanwhile, the blockade of the small access bridge is over and lectures are restarted. According to an AUC spokesperson, the building was accessible 'via the back entrance' as usual.