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Foto: Daniel Rommens

VVD: Cut off money supply in cases of misbehavior at student association

Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau,
4 april 2024 - 16:00
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The VVD, the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, wants student associations to be punished more severely if members misbehave. If, for example, they circulate a bangalijst, Dutch slang for “a list of easy women,” the university should cut off subsidies immediately. The minister understands this wish.

Three weeks ago it was in the news that members of the Utrechtsch Studenten Corps (USC) circulated a so-called “bangalijst.” On it were photos of female students in bikinis, their phone numbers, and comments on their appearance and bed performance. The prosecutor's office is investigating the case.



The USC suspended the responsible members indefinitely. But Utrecht University and the Hogeschool Utrecht also decided to punish the association itself. The institutions will not transfer any more subsidies to the student association this year.

“In the end, the guys who made such a list can just keep walking around the association”

The VVD wants associations to face such a financial sanction by default from now on, MP Benthe Becker said Wednesday in a committee debate on emancipation. She wants a “zero-tolerance policy” for associations that do not crack down hard enough on their members. If an association does not immediately expel members who misbehave, educational institutions should immediately cut off funding.


“In the end, the guys who made such a list can just keep walking around the association,” Becker says, while female victims no longer dare to show up there.



Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf thinks it is good that educational institutions are taking firm action against associations. He also called on bystanders to speak out earlier against abuses. He also cited various campaigns underway to expose sexually transgressive behavior.


This does not go far enough for the VVD. “Can't the minister require educational institutions to include stricter requirements in their grant conditions for associations?” asked Becker.


Dijkgraaf was amenable to that. He could “well imagine” that associations put “elementary requirements about safety” in their subsidy rules and promised to share that suggestion “emphatically” with educational institutions. Before the summer, he will inform the House of the outcome of his talks.

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