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Board President Ten Dam: “UvA will no longer engage with activists.”

Dirk Wolthekker,
14 mei 2024 - 08:51

The UvA will no longer enter into negociations with activists after yesterday’s new disturbances, in which a lot of destruction was committed and the police had to intervene again. Board president Geert ten Dam said this this morning in the NOS Radio 1 Journaal.

‘We will continue the negociations, but we will do so with our own people and within our normal, ordinary consultation structure,’ Ten Dam explained.

Yesterday, disturbances took place again on the Roetereilandcampus (REC), which also involved a lot of vandalism. The police had to intervene to sweep the campus clean. Around 6 p.m., the REC was empty again.



Later the Executive Board issued a statement saying it was “shocked” that what had started as a peaceful demonstration had been “hijacked” by “violent elements” who exercise the right to demonstrate at will. The UvA is closed today and tomorrow because the university cannot currently guarantee everyone’s safety.