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Foto: Marc Kolle

Dutch Research Council to ask scientists about possible harm caused

Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau,
7 juni 2024 - 09:32

What could be the undesirable consequences of your research? That is the question the Dutch Research Council NWO will ask scientists, especially if they want to collaborate with industry. 

When submitting a research proposal, researchers are already required to inform the NWO of what social and scientific impact their research might have. Now on top of that comes a question: What could the damage be?  
The answer will weigh into the application. In other words, those who do not reflect well enough on possible undesirable effects will have less chance of receiving a grant, NWO announced today. 

Cooperation with Chinese scientists also arouses mistrust at times. What does that country do with the knowledge gained here?

NWO will also look more critically at its collaboration with “third parties.” “The social debate surrounding the collaboration of science with companies is causing NWO to reconsider its current policy and take these steps,” according to the statement. 
The climate, China, and Israel 
In recent years, climate activists in particular have vehemently opposed the collaboration of scientists with business. They believe science should sever all ties with the fossil fuel industry.  
Cooperation with Chinese scientists also arouses mistrust at times. What does that country do with the knowledge gained here? Collaborating on facial recognition, for example, could be to the disadvantage of activists in that country. 
Meanwhile, cooperation with Israeli universities and companies is also coming under scrutiny. Critics allege that those universities and companies are cooperating in the war against the Palestinians. 
No sponsors 
NWO does not mention these issues by name. However, its director, Jan de Boer, mentions in the press release “the social discussions concerning the cooperation of science with other parties or unwanted influence of others on science” as a reason to reflect on such cooperation. “So that also means that we will think even more carefully about the possible undesirable consequences of scientific research and limit them as much as possible.”  
NWO wants to create more “awareness” within its organization and among researchers. One example: “NWO will stop accepting sponsorship funds for the organization of events, for example.”  
NWO now has a consideration framework (a concise checklist) for collaboration that scientists can use. For example, one question is, “Can there be dual use of research results, and what applications are conceivable?” In other words, could the results of this research be used for military purposes or not? 
NWO also includes an “exit clause” in collaborations to make it easier to stop in the interim, “based on the consideration that there are by definition risks involved in collaborating with a third party.”