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Foto: Jip Koene

It’s summer! What are students still doing at UvA?

Jip Koene,
12 juli 2024 - 09:28

Last week, the UvA campus looked empty. Summer holidays seems to have begun at the university as well. But not for everyone: a handful of students are still at Nieuwe Achtergracht, the University Quarter, and Science Park. What exactly keeps them here? “Because of the demonstrations, I couldn’t concentrate and have to retake an exam.”

No Route du Soleil or faraway world trips yet for some students at UvA. Some voluntarily choose to hang around campus for a bit longer, while others are obliged to. In this article, students Max, Giada, Furkan, Fieke, Maximilian, and Dirk talk about what’s still keeping them here.

Foto: Jip Koene
Student Max Caubo (21) takes a break

Many students are retaking exams after last term. Max Caubo (21), a business administration student, is one of them. “I try to stay somewhat productive before the summer vacation: the last mile, then I’m done. That’s because last term I failed my financial accounting exam, a lot of math, a lot of numbers…it wasn’t easy. Next week I’ll resit it. Fortunately, the UvA keeps the library open so I can study there. Besides, many students are still in Amsterdam so I don’t feel too lonely either. As soon as I’m done, I’m leaving to see my family in Indonesia.”

Foto: Jip Koene
Giada Colantuono (23) draws facade of CREA

Summer course Crea
Besides retaking exams, some students are having fun with one of Crea’s summer courses. Italian student Giada Colantuono (23) is taking the Drawing by Observation course and making her first charcoal sketches. “This course is one of the ways I am trying to connect with Amsterdam. I came here last year to study global arts, culture, and politics and plan to stay for a while. That’s why I’m not leaving this summer and spending my time here.”
“Today, ‘observation’ is on the program. For example, I am trying to put the façade of Crea with its plants and window frames properly in place. After that, we’re going to experiment with color.”

Foto: Jip Koene
Maximilian Bense (right) and Dirk Koeleman (left) debate

Summer school
Maximilian Bense (20) and Dirk Koeleman (20) are taking a different tack. Both are studying Politics, Psychology, Law, and Economics - PPLE for short - and are attending the summer school program UNISCA (The United Nations International Student Conference of Amsterdam) on Roeterseiland. “The program is a kind of simulation of the ins and outs of the United Nations where we learn about debating and diplomacy, among other things, which is why we are dressed like that today,” Dirk laughs. Max continues: “It’s a very cool program taught by former UN envoys, but it’s also very intensive. Fortunately, we get credits for it. I really need those, since I am leaving for Japan in January.”

Foto: Jip Koene
Furkan Dabanıyastı (29) pauses at the Oudemanhuispoort

Master’s student Furkan Dabanıyastı (29) is also attending a summer school program: Digital Methods Summer School. As part of his master’s degree in media studies, he is going to brush up on his research skills this summer. “It’s a kind of boot camp at the Oudemanhuispoort for researchers from the humanities and social sciences. We learn to use all kinds of digital tools that easily sift through data from surveys, for example.”
“Besides this course, which I’m doing for credits, I also have to retake an exam. Because of the demonstrations here at the UvA, I couldn’t concentrate properly, so I have to redo Media theory. When it’s all over, I’m going to WHOLE, a queer festival in Berlin.”

Foto: Jip Koene
Fieke Bakker studies in the UB at Science Park

Besides retaking exams and doing coursework, there are those working on their thesis. Fieke Bakker (28) is studying religious studies and is busy with the first draft of her master’s thesis. “It’s about the intersect between psychiatry and religious experiences. But I still have to flesh it out a bit. As soon as I finish this outline, I can go on vacation in peace and then work on the plan after the summer.”
“Today is the last day I’ll be working on this, though. Because tomorrow I leave for Berlin, where I lived for a while. The final of the European Championship will be played there. I’m really looking forward to that. It'll be super expensive, but fortunately, I can sleep at a friend’s place.”