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Foto: Kenny Eliason

Hicham El Ouahabi | Why are we so eager to be critical thinkers?

Hicham El Ouahabi,
16 februari 2024 - 13:00
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Everyone wants to be a critical thinker, argues Hicham El Ouahabi. “It has almost become a status symbol in our society where being right is rampant.”

The so-called critical thinker carries something unique with him. This type can be either applauded or reviled simply because they disrupt comfortable beliefs. For some, it is out of a genuine consideration to innovate and improve, while for others it results from the urge to stand out. Deep down, I suspect we all secretly yearn to take on the role of critical thinker. But when are you actually a critical thinker? Or, to put it another way, when is it appropriate to consider yourself a critical thinker? 

You are a critical thinker if you do not accept everything blindly

I decided to pose this question to some friends, acquaintances, and teachers to find out what they think about this. It will come as no surprise that the answers differed from person to person. Nevertheless, among the variety of answers, a common element emerged: You are a critical thinker if you do not accept everything blindly. You seem to deserve the label just by meeting this modest condition. That may explain why we so easily consider ourselves critical thinkers because no one just blindly accepts anything. At least, I hope so. 


In an effort to dig further, I took to the internet to read about the critical thinker, looking for illuminating criteria to assess when one is a critical thinker. Again, not surprisingly, the answers were as varied as what I heard from people. But here, too, a common element could be discerned in the variety of answers. You are a critical thinker if you correctly apply skills such as analyzing, evaluating, assessing, and concluding. 
Yes, not very surprising, I thought. Common knowledge, right? 
You know, maybe you can not be a critical thinker at all but only strive to want to be one, realizing that you will never be able to achieve that goal. 

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