Folia values contributions from the university community and welcomes comments. Nevertheless, we also apply a number of rules:
*Once posted, it stays posted. Contributions to a discussion will not be removed by us upon request. Do not write things you might regret later.
*Keep it civilized. Do not insult or swear.
*Pertinent untruths will be removed.
*Do not needlessly play the man.
*Calling for dismissal or expulsion of UvA employees or students is not permitted.
*Do not impersonate others.
*Only post responses that are relevant to the article you are responding to.
When responses are flagged as “This is not okay,” it does not mean they will be removed immediately. It is a signal for the editors to take another look at the reaction.
Responding is only possible from a mail address affiliated with the UvA. However, we accept the following mail domains:
Is a mail domain missing? Email us.
Comments that violate these rules may be removed.
Folia reserves the right to modify these rules later and to edit and/or delete all comments on our site.