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Foto: UvA / Pieter Kers

Pepijn Stoop | Love Letter to Science Park 904

Pepijn Stoop ,
21 juni 2024 - 14:30

Columnist Pepijn says goodbye to the UvA and his beloved Science Park. This is his last column for Folia. “In my experience, you are rarely in the spotlight. Science Park is far outside the downtown area with the UvA governing bodies.”

After eight semesters and gallons of oat milk cappuccino from the vending machine, the time has come: in two weeks I will leave ‘my’ Science Park for good. In my past nineteen columns, I have regularly criticized and denounced it. Yet I have come to love my campus that is often ‘forgotten’. Therefore, herewith, as my last column, a personal love letter to Science Park 904.

Dear SP,

I must correct something. Over the past two years I have grumbled quite a bit about your students, staff and teaching. I criticized the numerical pressure, the communication of research and the lack of women. I complained about you as a husband who starts whining about his partner at every barbecue too inappropriate, but never files for divorce. You were always my favorite campus. And I’m going to miss you.

Since I’ve been walking around Roeterseiland every week this semester, I see how nice your buildings are in comparison. There are 7,000 people walking around Science Park, but it rarely feels crowded. I think because the buildings themselves exude ‘tranquility’: they are tall, very light, and although large, conveniently arranged. That tranquility is what I crave every morning on Roeterseiland. Every time I wriggle through the irritatingly sleazy revolving doors of the FMG building there, I imagine myself in an anthill. I even suspect that, like at Hogwarts, there are revolving staircases, because finding the right exit remains a challenge.

“At Roeterseiland, I also realize how massively organized everything is unlike with you, Science Park”

At Roeterseiland, I also realize how massively organized everything is unlike with you, SP. With you, even with rising student numbers, most programs are small-scale. In September, they almost all start with less than 200 freshmen. Because sophomores are the Teaching Assistans of that, you get to know people as a freshman in no time. Therefore, when I walk down the main hall of 904, I often see acquaintances. The atmosphere at your place is made by the people. I’m grateful to you for all the passionate, open people I’ve met. And for the endless stream of inspiration I could draw from conversations with them.

Yet in my experience, you are rarely in the spotlight. Science Park is far outside the downtown area with the UvA governing bodies. According to the media, since the student protests, there is only one campus left: Roeterseiland. Even protesters don’t like to come so outside the center, although they did make you front page news last Monday.

So dear SP, I hope I have put you back on the map with this letter. I am trading you for now for another university, but I promise to be heard from. With my stepping down, Science Park disappears from the Folia columnist team, but I hope for you a successor. Someone who, like me, can sometimes hate, but mostly love, you. And who can write you a letter now and then, so you won’t be forgotten.


This was Pepijn’s last column for Folia. After the summer PPLE-student Lukas Coevering starts as columnist.